Checking for testicular cancer? - what testicular cancer lumps feel like blog
What should a testicular cancer lump on? I have no symptoms, "a concept that I'm tired today, around 12, which is foreign to me, and Wikipedia is listed as a symptom (not often feel welcome to sleep, up to 3 clock). However, I have a small knot in my left testicle just above. I do not know whether the epididymis, but not exactly what they feel. is somehow hard to say. It sorta peas, and I do not really go to my doctor (I had a couple of times this reason was, and every time I said it was) only liquid. I am 15 years old. I just want to know what to check is a good feeling for me. that a success? would be great if someone could tell me, what are the most common symptoms.
Thank you.
What Testicular Cancer Lumps Feel Like Blog Checking For Testicular Cancer?
11:16 AM
I hade TC 5 years ago, and I hade a pea-sized lump in my right nut in the bag. The sergery was not bad, but then they are in vicodin is very difficult to drink juice # 2 go to be as much hemeroids bad habit of lead so bad. Radiation is a different story every day for 6 weeks to 15 min low stomich. GET SOME WEED to calm the nausea. They will also pray to St. Jew has helped me big. St.Jude pray .. Symptoms The age is between 13 and 35 America, white men ... Please go to the doctor now. Can be fatal, but is 95% but cureable please go a URALIGIST now good luck & God Bless.
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